Friday, 29 May 2009

2nd Choice In Our Top 10 List of.....

Top 10 Last Songs To Listen To Before Going Deaf

James Morrison - This Boy

Top 10 Last Songs To Listen To Before Going Deaf

Sometimes we take for granted the senses we have been blessed with. We here at Inside Incubator are music maniacs, we are obsessed with music. As we all wrapped up last night to go home we got into a debate....

What if you suddenly found out you were going deaf....what is the last song you would chose to listen to?

After much thought and consideration, we made a list of....

Top 10 Last Songs To Listen To Before Going Deaf
(by the way songs are of no particular order)

Here is one of our top 10 - stay tuned - we will post ALL 10 choices gradually!! So that we can really get into this feeling...if it were true...

U2 'Kite'

What would you chose? Let us know....

Monday, 25 May 2009


This is what Inside Incubator is all about! Encouraging young up and coming filmmakers, documentary makers, producers, directors and the list goes on to just pick up a camera and do it themselves.

Don't wait to land that perfect job to hand you an opportunity. If you think you have a great idea for a show, documentary, music video or whatever than just try doing it yourself.

All you need is the right advice and push in the right direction and you can make the worlds most expensive or cheapest project depending on your project...


Check out this great documentary: 'Do You Think I'm Sexy' - The beauty industry through the eyes of guys.

If you liked what you saw - get more info on the guys here.
The guys started this website for this specific documentary and documented the entire process - very cool, very interesting!

Wednesday, 20 May 2009


Courteney Cox success came from 'Friends' which just launched her career to first gear. After that she starred as an editor for a trashy tabloid 'Dirt' - which by the way we thought was amazing! So when it was cancelled we were very surprised...

But maybe it was too close to the truth, that someone had to shut it down...we're just saying we smell something fishy...

Anyhow, we are just happy to see Courteney Cox back on our screens.

Check out these clips from her latest comedy 'Cougar Town' which premieres this fall on ABC. Courteney stars as a newly single mother of a 17 year old son.

If you liked what you see, here is some extra 411 on the show:
It's from Scubs creator Bill we expect a lot from him!

What do you think? Will it succeed?

As much as we love Courteney far we give it a 4 out of 10

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Ellen DeGeneres Tulane University Commencement Speech

This is by far the BEST commencement speech we have ever heard.

Ellen Degeneres is one of the most talented, compassionate, wise, funny, and soulful woman in our society. Learn from her people!

Ellen can do no wrong in our eyes!

Monday, 18 May 2009



Beyonce is currently on the European leg of her I am.... tour. The "Single ladies" singer is performing tonight in Lisbon, Portugal however before her performance Mrs. Jay Z had to unwind first...

Last night Beyonce had a party for 65 people aka her Entourage at the luxury Tivoli hotel in Lisbon, and who made a secret visit...none other than hubby Jay Z who snuck across the boarder quitely. An Inside Incubator revealed to us that Jay Z made special requests all night from the DJ to play Merengue!!

Is Merengue going to be the next trend in hip hop??????

During all that merengue dancing...the couple kept asking for the Lakers - Rocket game that took place yesterday... the fierce couple were happy after Lakers rocked out 89-70...

If anyone is going to the Beyonce concert tonight in Lisbon, send us a video or photos please!!!

Saturday, 16 May 2009


The team of inside incubator is watching Eurovision because we wanted to see Dita Von Teese strip oh ya!! And Andrew Lloyd Webber sell his soul...

Just when we thought it couldn't get more boring... along comes the UK performance by Jade Ewen perform "My Time" and wait for she was singing the violinist elbows her in the chin!!!

You will die of laughter!!

Check it out!

Friday, 15 May 2009


When we see a succesful international collaboration, all we can do is show support!!

The music video was shot in Lisbon, Portugal.

So check out the music video from Italian band LOST ft. Joel Madden.

"Sulla Mia Pelle" - "In My Skin"

Monday, 11 May 2009

SuperNews! Latest:Celebrity Twitter Overkill

SuperNews! created another Twitter episode, and it's brilliant.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009


Social networking is a way of keeping in touch, sharing new ideas, photos, expressing a way of life. It has most definitely impacted face to face social activities and sports amongst youth.

It's bad enough that kids and young adults don't go out to meet for a lunch, or a game of basketball, football, or go shopping together, but the fact that Facebook has now been proven to be one of the number one factors that grades are suffering in schools all across world...seems to be disturbing.

This generation opts to sit home and go shopping online, chat online, play video games, and so much more... than going out and actually having some human interaction.

These young adults are going to be socially impaired! They will not learn how to interact with people on a daily basis, to use their instinct, to make the right judgements about a person they meet...

BBC posted an interesting article stating that Facebook is actually affecting youths intelligence and education.

We have to care about what is going to happen to our future generation because they will be our future leaders, opinion makers, etc... so if they are all mindless, social networking obsessed humans, what will happen to our world....

To read more go click here