Saturday 2 July 2011

Trans-Am Media Producers?

Every day new terms in the language of communication. And if we follow the digitally there is no way to escape all kinds of slang. What are transmedia Producers? What is transmedia? At MIPTV last much was discussed about what has long been referred to as a multi-platform producers, 360º producers: not just online, TV or mobile ... much more than that! It is an insight of communication that includes the properties of the narrative and the intended target ( Niche, long tail, you name it...). Preferably to have a domino of insights for the entire product chain: the original script, or script commissioned by brand (to the core of the marketing mix) to the various applications of the product in the various channels of communication. Engagement full speed!

Tuesday 28 June 2011


Does GREENPEACE have really strong links in Hollywood or they have amazing lawyers?

VOW...sorry WOW

Sunday 12 December 2010

DO NOT BE A CRY BABY ... Show us your shitty movies! We love poo and diamonds! WE LOVE TO INCUBATE!

Within a frame or two ... ... this small incubator will begin to transfer their online channel. We need runners, police, creatives, students, worshipers of goats, designers, wrestling referees, leading indies, hot shots and hot losers like us able to create innovative content.

Yes, we want to be on an island with just our brand, with our flag and anthem orchestrated by coconuts hitting the sand! one of these days ... and you can be there! Edit or filming! Or while holding a tiger eat a grilled fish!
the choice is yours! or you cease to grieve or leave the house and with your best friends you can produce more than two frames.

Send your material to:

we have many diapers!! Do not worry!

The Team

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Mach Schau!!! John Lennon!

Yoko Ono | John Lennon Picture #15307618 - 454 x 484 - FanPix.Net

Here in incubator we are all music freaks and lovers!!! we read again the last interview of John Lennon to Rolling Stone and Playboy... also read our notes on Philip Norman bio "The Life"...and play some songs! its was a good day!

" You know...give peace a chance, not shoot people for peace. All we need is love.I believe it. it's damned hard but I absolutely believe it." John Lennon

Friday 3 December 2010

Where do ideas come from?

Ideas don't come from watching television

By SETH GODIN       

My humble opinion,

In fact, knowledge and things on TV seem incompatible.
In truth, I do not have much patience for television. I cannot spend hours jumping from one channel to another. At most, sit back and watch a movie and then goodbye! A paradox... I’m a TV professional…common mistake in this tribe of old professionals!
Surely, virtual world allows people to assume roles are quite different than in reality. But I find it all extremely interesting. There’s a huge difference between the user and viewer. Active vs laid back!

Is there space for both?

Much of the success of this type of social network, at least in my opinion, is the wave of grace that has plagued this world. People feel very alone in the dynamics of accumulation and how social interactions require a real effort and a great expenditure of energy, you end up going for the facilities of the internet!

In fact celebrities are like horses racing for the RGB carrot...Or should I say for the 1010 apple?! 

I agree with you, people want to pretend to achieve a different goal than they really are looking. 

Friday 26 November 2010

Google TV the cheapskate alternative

View the YouTube video and catch a glimpse of what Google envisions as GoogleTV. Their main goal is to bring the best on the internet to the home’s tv screens.

 Are you a high roller with a loaded bank account? Than you possibly have the following:
·         Have just bought a new and very expensive HDTV flat screen
·         Fast internet connection through Wi-Fi
·          laptop (netbook, regular notebook or professional)
·         A Cable TV service subscription
Or are you a person that no matter what your income is, you want a reasonable deal? Than the following applies to you:
·         You don’t want to pay for a new TV with GoogleTV
·         You don’t want spend extra for another set-up box
·         You have a blue-ray unit on your laptop but the screen is to small
·         You want to maximize the devices you already have
·         You probably play some games in your laptop
·         You like to surf the web looking for content to share with your friends
·         You hate cables running through you house and walls
·         You want internet on the TV today
·         You like to see movies at home with top quality
If the above points are appealing to you, than we at dopamina360 have two solutions that may help you; the Cost Effective solution and the cheapest one:
Cost Effective solution:
If you want to surf the web, play games and share content with friends (on your own or others laptops), watch HD movies on your laptop, and have an strong dislike for cables, than all you need is:
You buy Q-Waves AV Kit on the web market for around €140. It allows you to use your flat screen or wall projector as an extension (or duplicate) screen on your screen without any cables. Just plug the USB dongle on the laptop. It also transmits audio, but only on stereo.
If you are a true film fan, and can’t go by without 5.1 surround sound (you probably own a very expensive home cinema), you should get this also:

We found Sirocco Wireless Audio Bridge on the web market for 155 USD
Just install it and the sound will travel to your 5.1 speakers through WLAN.

Finally, if you liked all the above solution but dont want to spend so much to have the complete experience, place your laptop near the flat screen and home cinema and buy on of these:

From Keysonic, one of the various 2 in 1 keyboard and touchpad systems, (cordless mouse don’t work well on the couch) and you will have no cables on the floor. The downside is you can’t have the laptop near you and extend the TV screen just to show content, and if you want to use the laptop while watching TV, you need to get up and pick it. Also, every time you leave home with the lap top, you need to unplug all cable and reconnect when come back home.
It would be simple just to have another computer just for this, but the goal is to save money and take maximum profit and extend usability of existing devices at home.